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press release





Ottawa – May 27th, 2013 – Canadian MPs James Bezan, Paul Dewar, and Irwin Cotler are pleased to announce that “Iran Accountability Week” will take place in the Canadian Parliament between May 27th and 31st, addressing the four-fold Iranian threat –  massive domestic repression, state-sponsorship of international terrorism, nuclear weaponization, and incitement to genocide.


Cotler serves as Co-Chair of the Inter-Parliamentary Group for Human Rights in Iran with US Sen. Mark Kirk – who will be hosting similar series of events in the US.


This year’s Accountability Week falls at a most propitious time – on the occasion of the massive violations of human rights in Iran in the run-up to the June Presidential elections; the 5th anniversary of the imprisonment of Iran’s Baha’i leadership; the 25th anniversary of the 1988 massacre of Iranian dissidents; and the unjust imprisonment of 2,600 dissidents, including  women, ethnic and religious leaders, journalists, bloggers, students, trade union leaders – in word, the leaders of Iranian civil society – many under threat of execution.


The planned events for Iran Accountability Week include:


·         A press conference on Monday May 27th (1:15pm, Charles Lynch Room) launching the Global Iranian Political Prisoner Advocacy Project – pairing Parliamentarians around the world with Iranian political prisoners on whose behalf MPs will advocate;


·         Hearings before the Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on International Human Rights from 1-2pm on both Tuesday (May 28th)  re: human rights and Thursday (May 30th) re: security threats.


·         Evening panel discussions at 7pm on Tuesday with on Iranian experts human rights violations and political prisoners; and on Thursday at 7pm with international experts on the Iranian nuclear and terrorist threats. These events offer Parliamentarian, the public, and the media to learn both about the Iranian threats to human rights and international peace and security, as well as what can be done to address them.


Iran Accountability Week seeks to sound the alarm on the human rights plight of the Iranian people.

Dear Sir/Madame,
I am looking forward to viewing Martin Himmel's documentary on "Jew Bashing"? and I can access this through Vision T.V. but I have American Friends who tell me they are denied access into the Website and they would also like to see the documentary.
Could you tell me if there is a way my American Jewish friends can see the documentary?  Then I could paste it that website on our Calgary For Israel website.
Thanking you in advance and looking forward to hearing back from you.
Jodie Goldberg (Mrs.)

Capt. Howard Harry Marantz, KIA 1944 info re cenotaph or headstone

Dear Editor, my name is Hugh O'Donnell and I am attempting to find the location of a monument to this gentleman who was killed in action while attached to my army reserve regiment, The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada near Claire Tizon in France.

Capt. Marantz is buried in France but I was informed that his family had a monument built here for him too. I would very much like to include a picture of either Capt. Marantz or the local monument dedicated to him in an article I am writing for our Cameron Association newsletter The Oatmeal Rag.

According to a story that I am following up, Capt Marantz (the medical officer) and Hon. Capt Davies (the padre) collected glass from church windows damaged or destroyed during the fighting in Normandy, scratched the names of the Cameron soldiers killed nearby, and built these pieces into a stained glass window that was last known to be in Edmonton, AB.

Any assistance that you can provide would be greatly appreciated.


Hugh O'Donnell
Cameron Association in Canada




May 15, 2013

Ms. Janice Stein Director Munk School of Global Affairs
[email protected]

Ms. Janice Stein,

As Canadian-Iranian activists, deeply involved in struggle for a free, democratic and secular Iran, we would like to praise the Munk School of Global Affairs for facilitating an “International Dialogue” about the future of Iran.

However, we are deeply concerned that only, for the benefit of window-dressing, an insignificant number of invitees were from the opposition which are closely linked to the struggle for democratic movement in Iran.

It is extremely disappointing to see that Munk School, for an unknown reason/s, chose to exclude the opposition groups instead inviting the pro-regime “Reformists”.

As you may be aware there are opposition groups, with divers political perspectives, who have been deeply involved in the struggle to end the tyranny of Islamic regime - in order to bring about a form of freely and democratically elected governance that respects freedom, Human Rights and the will of people. We truly believe that the insight of these organizations, which have supporters in Iran and representatives in Canada and in other Western countries, would have been extremely beneficial in any type of dialogue dealing with the future of Iran.

As the Islamic regime's "Presidential [s]election" fast approaches, it would have been not only important but very relevant for the Munk School of Global Affairs, to provide a venue to the Iranian opposition. It is extremely concerning and disappointing that this opportunity was not granted.

It is our great concern that many invitees in the, so called, “Global Dialogue on the Future of Iran” were individuals who either have been part of the Islamic regime (i.e. Mojtaba Vahedi) or the pro-regime “reformists” chapter (i.e. Mehrangiz Kar), or “cultural attaché” (i.e. Mehrdad Aiannejad) and of course "academic elites" (i.e. Ramin Jahanbegloo) in favour of "Dialogue" with the regime.

We were particularly disgusted with the presentation of Bahman Kalbasi and Mehrangiz Kar under the pretext of “moderators” with agenda in promoting the Islamic regime and its anti-Human Rights “Constitution”.

Sadly, the only person, Ms. Shiva Mahboubi, who really alluded to the subject of ending the Islamic dictatorship, was subjected to gagging by the moderator/dominator, pro-regime reformist, Ms. Mehrangiz Kar.

It should be noted that the “Future” begins today; unfortunately, there was no discussion on how to overcome the obstacle of today - Islamic dictatorship - and to arrive at the presumed "Future". In addition, during the two-day sessions, none of the selected topics or questions dealt with the subject of facilitation of ending the tyranny of “Islamic Republic” in Iran – with a free democratic secular government.

Please note that in the eyes of the Iranian people, neither the Islamic regime, the regime of: rape, torture and execution, has any legitimacy nor do individuals who persistently insist to promote a different version of Islam in an attempt to salvage the “Islamic Republic”.

Unfortunately, this was a lost opportunity to have a real "GLOBAL DIALOGUE ON THE FUTURE OF IRAN" - a dialogue which includes Iranian opposition, individuals, and groups opposing the totality of the Islamic regime in Iran. However, we are hopeful that the Munk School of Global Affairs will be more inclusive in its future events; and in addition, more transparent in demonstrating its stance with and its support for the people of Iran in their struggle for freedom.

In conclusion, we would like to inform you that for the people of Iran, one of the significant factors in their struggle - for ending the Islamic dictatorship and quest for freedom and democracy - is “memory and remembrance”.

Yours truly,

Sayeh Hassan Canadian-Iranian lawyer, pro-democracy activist and blogger
[email protected],

Faramarz Shiravand Canadian-Iranian investigative reporter and political activist
[email protected]

CC: John Baird, Minister of Foreign Affairs


Statement from Israeli Presidential Conference Chairman, Israel Maimon, on Stephen Hawking Cancellation

As you know, world-renowned physicist Stephen Hawking joined the academic boycott of Israel and pulled out of the Israeli Presidential Conference: Facing Tomorrow 2013, under the auspices of Israeli President Shimon Peres, “in protest of Israel's treatment of Palestinians.” The event – the fifth annual conference - isscheduled for June 18-20, 2013 in Jerusalem.

 Israeli Presidential Conference Chairman Israel Maimon responded to Hawking’s announcement saying that his decision was unjustifiable and wrong:

“The academic boycott against Israel is in our view outrageous and improper, certainly for someone for whom the spirit of liberty lies at the basis of his human and academic mission. Israel is a democracy in which all individuals are free to express their opinions, whatever they may be. The imposition of a boycott is incompatible with open, democratic dialogue.”

Ayelet Menche, Finee Partners, Israel

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE : B’nai Brith Applauds Government for Deporting PFLP Terrorist

B’nai Brith Applauds Government for Deporting PFLP Terrorist

Toronto- April 29, 2013

B’nai Brith Canada is applauding Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney and the Government of Canada for their leadership in deporting Mahmoud Mohammad Issa Mohammad from Canada. The Jewish human rights organization, which has previously called for action on this file, is also questioning why he was permitted to abuse the Canadian legal system for 26 years, creating a burden for Canadian taxpayers of millions of dollars.
Frank Dimant, CEO of B’nai Brith Canada issued the following statement:

“We are pleased to see that action has finally been taken after so many years. We hope that Canada will always stand firm on dealing with war criminals and terrorists who abuse our refugee system and seek to use this country as a safe haven.
“While the government was working to deport a Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terrorist from Canada, the University of British Columbia allowed a Palestinian student group, which prominently displayed pro-terror propaganda on its website, to feature PFLP terror icon Leila Khaled. More work must be done to ensure that radical terror groups and their supporters are not permitted a platform to reach impressionable Canadian youth.
“Canadians should have no patience for violent criminals who lie their way into our country and abuse our legal system. Today is a proud day for all law-abiding Canadians.”



To the Editor,

Ever since the Federal government got involved, suddenly Asper’s dream for a human rights museum has been corrupted by various ethnic/religious groups vying for attention for whatever suffering they have undergone at the hands of others and expressing concerns their ethnic/religious forbearers are not tagged with any culpability.

 There is an article in the Wpg Free Press that is more explicit as regards Ukranians feeling their suffering has not been given its proper due by the CMHR and noting Ukranian leaders are angry

 Just what Winnipeg needs. Another fight over ethnic/religious sensibilities that undermines the effort to create a good thing.

As regards the Holocaust, Ukranians played a big role as did other European and east European nations in aiding the Nazis extermination of Jews. That as you say is a fact written in blood. It would be an affront to history to ignore these facts just to spare the feelings of those who have apparently not come to grips with their own culpability and guilt.

I do not recall if Ukranians following WWII ever acknowledged their complicity in the Holocaust. Has the Winnipeg Ukranian community ever done so?

I do hope the CMHR stands firm against the Ukranians demanding that their complicity in the Holocaust be whitewashed away.

Bill Narvey


Look forward to  your them....thanks

Penny Ganetsky

Burnaby, BC
Apr. 18. '13.
Last month the Vancouver Jewish Independent wrote an editorial, questioning why CUPW, the union of Canadian postal workers, needed to send representatives to Judea and Semaria, also known as the 'Westbank', and also questioning whether they still considered themselves to be a union or some other political entity.
I would personally not have used the same polite language, and would have also asked, what-the-h... their 4 union reps were doing in Brazil (at union expense!) at an Israel-bashing event?...
Shortly after, the same paper posted a letter, signed by a Marion Pollack, raking the editor over the coals, wielding her proud motto of organized labour: "What we wish for ourselves we desire for all." This woman also included a few statements about the local situation that made my blood pressure rise. One sentence in particular got to me: "CUPW believes that postal workers in the occupied territories should not have to cross many checkpoints to go to work, access medical treatment or simply have a meal with a friend."
I responded to her letter.
In short, I questioned the woman's sanity. I pointed out that, as a flight attendant, I had to cross checkpoints for decades every time I went to work, compliments of Islamic terrorism. So have millions (Billions?) of others, whether they wish to take a plane in Nadi, Watson Lake or Timbuktu! Not because of nasty Jewish "occupiers" but because of her brother's terrorism! In Canada the security system at the airports, which also had to be extended to other government buildings, costs $7 Billion annualy. All, including passengers, also spend extra time having to be at the airport earlier. (One of my former colleagues told me last month that he now avoids Heathrow. The crews have to show up 3 hours prior to flight departure!) Multiply those costs and waste of time world-wide!...
Expressing her solidarity with her Palestinian brothers, Marion Pollack never explained why she did not feel the same urge to show her love in other countries, countries which do not share borders with Israel!
I have to admit, whether I held a line position or worked in management, I never had much use for our union or those being enthusiastic about unions. However, I can assure Ms. Pollack, if they had pulled a stunt like using my union dues to further questionable political leanings, I would have organized a small, but memorable uprising!
When the CUPW representatives were over there to teach their brothers about labour laws, collective agreements, health and safety, was there a moment left to talk about human rights and equality of men and women? I bet you not. Because the locals would have kicked their butt off the farm and only after crossing a checkpoint would they have felt safe again...
Maybe Ms. Pollack will write another letter and include an explanation what she and CUPW think about what's happening in Egypt, Libya and Syria. During a week in which we all saw close up what terrorism looks like, even when people "just" loose a limb, the number 70,000 dead might mean a bit more!...
Ziggy Eckardt
Burnaby, BC

Statement on Qatari Bid to Host the ICAO

For Immediate Release

May 2, 2013

Statement on Qatari Bid to Host the ICAO

Toronto, ON – Today, media have reported that the Qatari government is attempting to gain support in the international community to have the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) relocated to Qatar in 2016. The ICAO, which has been located in Montreal since 1947, is the UN agency that oversees international flight regulations. It is reported that the Qatari government is citing Canada’s support for Israel as a basis for its bid.


In response, David Koschitzky, Chair of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, issued the following statement:


“The Qatari bid is entirely meaningless given that the ICAO’s governing council has already ordered the renewal of its contract with Canada for 2016-2036. Indeed, this whole episode would be funny were it not so tragic. Qatar is a theocratic dictatorship with a notorious record of funding terrorism abroad and violating the basic rights of its citizens and foreign residents. Qatar has a particularly egregious history of persecuting gay citizens (including by imprisonment) and the 90% of its residents who are migrant workers, and find themselves subject to forced labour and even prostitution. Qatar’s attack on Canada’s principled foreign policy record is another sad example of Middle East dictators using the Palestinian cause as a symbol to advance their own interests.”



The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs is a non-partisan organization that serves as the advocacy arm of the Jewish Federations of Canada.

For more information, please contact:


Jordan Kerbel
Deputy Director, Communications and Advocacy Training

[email protected]

(416) 317-9517

Parliamentary Study on Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries

For Immediate Release

May 2, 2013


The Centre Applauds Parliamentary Study on Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries

Ottawa, ON – Today, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development commenced a study on the experience of Jewish refugees from Arab countries who were displaced as a result of the Arab-Israeli conflict. More than 850,000 Jewish refugees fled persecution and violence in Arab countries throughout the Middle East and North Africa, resulting in the extinction of vibrant communities that had thrived for thousands of years. Currently, Canada’s official Middle East policy neglects this fact, only accounting for Palestinian refugees.


The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs has been at the forefront of advocacy efforts to change Canadian foreign policy so that it correctly reflects the historic plight of Jewish refugees from Arab countries. Shimon Koffler Fogel, CEO of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, will be appearing as a witness to provide expert testimony alongside refugees and representatives from Justice for Jews from Arab Countries, a prominent international organization advocating for refugee rights.


In response to the commencement of the study, David Koschitzky, Chair of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, issued the following statement:


“We applaud the Foreign Affairs committee for examining the situation of Jewish refugees from Arab countries. We encourage Members of Parliament from across the political spectrum to carefully consider the testimonies of experts and refugees, and to join together in recognizing the persecution and displacement of nearly one million Jews throughout the Middle East and North Africa.


“Two refugee populations were created as a result of the Arab-Israeli conflict – one Palestinian and the other Jewish. Unfortunately, the plight of Jewish refugees has been completely omitted from Canada’s Middle East policy while that of the Palestinians features prominently. It is essential that policymakers correct this inherent imbalance in Canadian policy. Equitable consideration of Jewish refugees from Arab countries is a necessary component for any just and lasting Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement.”



The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs is a non-partisan organization that serves as the advocacy arm of the Jewish Federations of Canada.

For more information or to arrange an interview with Shimon Koffler Fogel, please contact:


Jordan Kerbel
Deputy Director, Communications and Advocacy Training

[email protected]

(416) 317-9517

Meeting with Councillor John Orlikow on April 28th, 2013

Dear friends, family and neighbours,

The following is a summary of recent activity from your Silos committee. As construction season is upon us, we must remain vigilant for any activity at the CANDO site at the corner of Lindsay & Grant (across from the co-op gas bar). If the tractors start, we will need everybody out for a peaceful picket, so stay tuned & talk to your neighbours.
If you are interested in getting involved in this or any other issue of concern in our neighbourhood, please contact us.
Summary of meeting on April 28th, 2013 with Councillor Orlikow and the Silo sub-committee of RHRA.

Present at meeting: Councillor Orlikow, and River Heights residents Debra Black, Rhonda Chegus Hjorleifson and Alain Vermette.

Issue: Further industrialization of the BNSF property along Lindsay St between Corydon and Taylor Ave. Specific concerns are the appearance of 8 storage silos and the intended CANDO construction of a transloading station. Long term solution is the relocation of the BNSF and CN tracks.

Background: In September 2012 eight storage silos were erected by Fort Distributors on the BNSF land at Lindsay and Mathers. The City of Winnipeg ordered Fort Distributors to remove the silos because of bylaw infractions. Fort Distributors appealed the City of Winnipeg order on Jan 15/13. The appeal was heard by the Standing Committee of Property and Development. RHRA made presentations to the committee. Fort Distributors lost the appeal. The storage silos have not been removed by the date ordered. The matter is now proceeding to Court. The City and residents' goal is to obtain an order to remove from the Courts which will force Fort Distributors to remove the silos and to make payment of associated fines.

Outcome: Councillor Orlikow will advise RHRA of the Court date by May 3rd, 2013.

Issue: CANDO is planning to expand the use of BNSF property by constructing a transloading station on Lindsay St between Corydon and Grant. The CANDO plan is to have trucks entering the BNSF property at Corydon and exiting at Grant Ave. In order to facilitate this BNSF filed an application with the City of Winnipeg for a curb cut on to Grant Ave. In addition a road will be constructed on the BNSF property leading to the proposed curb cut. The Public Works Department at the City of Winnipeg has already approved the curb cut. The curb cut does not require a variance or rezoning. The decision is an administrative application to the Public Works Department.

Outcome: Councillor Orlikow is in discussion with the Director of Public Works to appeal the curb cut decision based on neighbourhood impact and hardship. Councillor Orlikow will update the RHRA of the response from Public Works by May 3/13. Residents expressed concern to Councillor Orlikow that Public Works approved the curb cut without a clear plan of the proposed operation and construction of the CANDO station. Councillor Orlikow has been informed that any construction of the curb cut or construction by CANDO will trigger public picketing and media protest by residents. Volunteers are ready to distribute information flyers to the River Heights area.

Updates and Progress

1. Councillor Orlikow has initiated discussion with MP Joyce Bateman and the MB Minister of Infrastructure and Transportation, Steve Ashton. The Federal Minister of Transportation, Denis Lebel has also been advised of the situation by Joyce Bateman. There has been a proposal to fund a feasibility study by all three levels of government to match funds needed to relocate the BNSF and CP tracks. To date there is not a signed tri level agreement.

2. Councillor Orlikow has contacted the BNSF system coordinator in Minnesota indicating that there is the intention to work towards relocating the yards. In light of this information it is hoped that BNSF will alter their plans for any expansion of their operations pending further negotiations.

3. A suggestion has been made that the homeowners most affected the current activities of BNSF could petition the City of Winnipeg for a lowering of the tax assessment until these issues have been resolved. Councillor Orlikow advised that he would check with the Tax Assessment Department by May 3rd, 2013 and share their response. It was agreed that affected residents may not be fully aware of the CANDO situation. The process of going door to door for the tax petition might be a useful step towards improving local awareness. Councillor Orlikow will provide information on the petition process that would give us the best chance of success.

4. Councillor Orlikow noted that Joyce Bateman, Mayor Sam Katz , and Provincial representatives are all of like mind that the BNSF should be relocated.

Submitted by Rhonda Chegus Hjorleifson, Member of RHRA Core,
On behalf of the River Heights Residents Association

Anit-Jewish Postings still features on Muslim Website in Calgary



TORONTO, April 17, 2013 – B'nai Brith Canada is questioning why the investigation of its complaint to the Calgary Police about a Muslim website www.muslimsofcalgary.cahas been shut down. The Jewish human rights organization brought the complaint earlier this week after anti-Jewish postings were brought to its attention. One posting, for example, relied on the notorious antisemitic forgery “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” to allege a global conspiracy by the Jews to dominate the world. Another article posted stated that "Jews have deviated from the path of their religion as seen in their manners, debauchery and immorality.” Further postings have been brought to light that are equally offensive.

Frank Dimant, CEO of B'nai Brith Canada, stated: "Within 24 hours of being thanked by the Calgary Police Hate Crimes Unit for bringing this to their attention and their confirmation that a file would be opened, we learned only via the media that police had decided to close the investigation. While we were assured by police that the media report did not fairly reflect the intent of its comments, it certainly appeared that police had chosen to support the assertions of the Muslim Council of Calgary in its press release, namely, that this was a ‘Calgary only’ issue and that raising a concern was inherently divisive. We are concerned that this was a thinly- veiled attempt to deflect from our complaint regarding the antisemitic content on the site.

“It is absurd to try to portray this as a ‘Calgary only’ issue given that there are no boundaries to the World Wide Web. How can anyone suggest that antisemitic material posted in one city has no effect on the Jewish community nationally?“We, as a Jewish human rights organization that has had a presence throughout Canada for over 135 years certainly have the right to raise the alarm. As we continue to work with police across the country to urge Canadians from diverse communities to report their concerns to police, this attempt to silence those speaking out about what can only be described as hateful messaging is most disappointing.”


Contact: Marshall Wittmann,
[email protected]
April 16, 2013

WASHINGTON — AIPAC praises the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for adopting today Senate Resolution 65 -  a strong bi-partisan statement that the United States will stand by Israel if our ally feels compelled to take military action in its own legitimate defense against the threat from Iran.  The resolution specifies that the United States should provide diplomatic, military, and economic support to Israel “in its defense of its territory, people, and existence.”  

The resolution also reiterates that the policy of the United States is to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapons capability and to take such action as may be  necessary to implement this policy.  The resolution urges the President to strengthen enforcement of sanctions on Tehran.

 Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Robert Menendez (D-NJ) and Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) sponsored the resolution.  Now ready for floor action, Graham-Menendez , has garnered broad bi-partisan support in the Senate with 79 co-sponsors.  The Committee action comes at a critical moment when Iran has repeatedly rebuffed diplomatic efforts and has continued its march to attain nuclear weapons capability.

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee has sent a very clear and enormously important message of solidarity with Israel against the Iranian nuclear threat – which endangers  American, Israeli, and international security.   AIPAC urges the full Senate to act expeditiously to adopt the resolution.

Consistently ranked as the most influential foreign policy lobbying organization on Capitol Hill, AIPAC is a bipartisan American membership organization that seeks to strengthen the relationship between the United States and Israel. For more than 50 years, AIPAC has been working with Congress to build a strong, vibrant relationship between the U.S. and Israel. With more than 100,000 members across the United States, AIPAC works throughout the country to improve and strengthen that relationship by supporting U.S.-Israel military, economic, scientific and cultural cooperation.

I was thrilled to read Rhonda Spivak's article on Josh Morry's action.
Would you please ensure that the following information reaches Josh Morris, as it could be useful to him in any future court action?
The following excerpt is from the EU Working definition of anti-Semitism:
"Examples of the ways in which antisemitism manifests itself with regard to the State of Israel taking into account the overall context could include:
- Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.
- Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.
- Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis.

- Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis."

This is very important, for it shows that in the EU, politicians and lawmakers agree with Josh's argument which he used to get the group disaffiliated and banned, that calling Israel an apartheid state is an expression of anti-Semitism.

While the definition only mentions comparing contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis, calling Israel an apartheid state or a terrorist state is functionally the same, it has the same motives and achieves the same outcomes.

Additionally, for Israel not to take the measures it takes to defend its population against terrorism is a behaviour not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation. Even the USA fires rockets and bombs from drones at terrorist opponents, and this is accepted internationally as legitimate self defence. Checkpoints and the wall have been very effective in stopping homicide bombing and other murders of Israelis by terrorists.

In the event that SAIA is successful in overturning the decision of UMSU, might I suggest that Josh and his associates conduct an Arab apartheid week, where they highlight the conditions of the Palestinians in camps in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan. These people have been kept there for over 60 years without right to citizenship, local jobs, leaving the camps, or marrying into the local populations. That is real oppression and apartheid.

Yours faithfully, Meyer Mussry, Australia

Following on from my earlier e-mail:


As an aside, while even Ezra Levant agrees that Israel Apartheid Week is anti-Semitic, he argues that it is a legitimate expression.

I don't know about Canada, but here in Australia, we have laws against hate speech. Anti-Semitism is not just offensive, it is an expression of hate, and IAW is an invitation to others in society to join in hatred of Jews. The end result is exactly as Josh Morry has argued, with Jews everything feeling cowed and threatened, and an increase in actual physical violence against Jews. Has Canada not passed laws against this as well? Legislating against hate speech is to freedom of expression what legislating against stealing is to freedom of action. Hate speech has no place in debate in a democracy.

Re: Is there Oil on the Golan?
It wouldn’t stop Israel’s idiots from trying to hand back the Golan to a post-Assad regime.

Israel after all, developed at great cost the oil fields of Sinai and their economic importance never stopped the idiots named Rabin and Begin from handing them back to Egypt.

Jews do not recognize the value of anything besides peace. Its doubtful they’ll do so here.

Norman F


There was an error in the reportage of a supposed "apology" from Miftah organization director Hannan Ashrawi for alleging that the Jews use Moslem or Christian blood in their Matzot.

What counts is what is written in Arabic.
When you check the Arabic web site of Miftah, not only is there no apology - the Miftah organization attacks those who dared to attack and criticize them for this allegation.


David Bedein, Israel news Investigations, Jerusalem

Rosh Chodesh Women's Group at Shaarey Zedek Synagogue Tuesday, April 9
Dear Friends,
We have had beautiful Rosh Chodesh celebrations in this new series since October, 2012. Many thanks to our volunteer teachers and to everyone who has shared her voice.
I'm pleased to tell you that through donations at our events we raised over $60 for Osborne House, A Safe Place For Women and Children, as well as funds to support our free Rosh Chodesh program.
Our theme for Rosh Chodesh Iyar is Joy in Motion. Everyone is invited to contribute -- perhaps you have a favourite yoga stretch, or you know an improvisation game, or you can bring a drum or a shaker. It's fine to come without a teaching idea as well -- we'll have many ways to enjoy gentle and celebratory movement.
If you plan to teach some movement, or want to bring some music or an instrument, it would be great to hear from you this week to help with planning. If you have contact information for teachers you'd like to recommend for this session or for the coming year, I'd love to hear about them.
Please pass this invitation on to friends -- all women are welcome!

Rosh Chodesh Group: Celebrating Womanhood

The first of each Jewish month—the celebration of the new moon, its slender crescent barely visible in the night sky—is a day traditionally associated with women’s renewal and joy. Facilitated by Jane Enkin, Shaarey Zedek's new Women’s Rosh Chodesh Group will meet monthly to learn, explore and celebrate together. Each month we will welcome a guest teacher, drawn from a wide range of fields. Bring your daughter, your mother, your Baba, your best friend, your favourite aunty, or come on your own to join the celebration.Refreshments served.

Joy in Motion

Tuesday, April 9 Rosh Chodesh Iyar
Doors Open 6:45 PM, Program Begins 7:00 PM, Guest Presenter at 7:30 PM

Miriam and all the women danced! Come for an evening of dance and gentle motion. For Rosh Chodesh Iyar, you are invited to introduce dance or movement you enjoy. We'll have Israeli dances, stretches, drumming, sacred circle dance, good music to get us simply dancing...endless possibilities. If you would like to bring a piece of music, lead a dance, or teach a few minutes of yoga, tai chi, or another kind of gentle movement, please contact Leslie Emery at the shul office. Or just come and join in, for the joy of it!

The Colours of Judaism

Thursday, May 9 Rosh Chodesh Sivan

Doors open 6:45 pm for snacks and conversation 7 pm Program


Joseph's coat of many colours, red thread to keep away the evil eye, blue tzitzit, Jerusalem of Gold – Jewish life overflows with glowing colours. Kedma Cantor will explore with us our beautiful, colourful heritage.


Registration: 204 452 3711 | [email protected] | Walk-ins Welcome

Jane Enkin


Interesting article!

Cheryl Bohkaut



My immediate response was 'oy' - not eloquent, but there it is.

There are such troubling issues about the humanity of Judaism that permits
the terrorist to be treated alongside his victims. In this case, maybe he will
give them some information, although it's not likely. He's really only alive
because he chose to bomb Jews, and we value life, above all.

As always, your articles are provocative -

Chag Pesach Sameach,

Meryle Kates

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  • Accurate Lawn & Garden
  • Artista Homes
  • Fetching Style
  • Cavalier Candies
  • Roseman Corp
  • Ronald B. Zimmerman
  • Ambassador Mechanical
  • Holiday Inn Polo Park
  • KC Enterprises
  • Josef Ryan
  • Winnipeg Beach Home Building Centre
  • Stringers Rentals
  • Red Top Drive Inn
  • Tradesman Mechanical
  • Chochy's
  • Astroid Management Limited
  • Fair Service
  • JLS Construction
  • John Wishnowski
  • Shindico
  • Gulay Plumbing
  • Jim Muir
  • Ingrid Bennett
  • Julia Penny
  • Seer Logging
  • Grant Kurian Trucking
  • Shoppers Drug Mart
  • kristinas-greek
  • The Center for Near East Policy Research Ltd.
  • Sarel Canada
  • Roofco Winnipeg Roofing
  • Center for Near East Policy Research
  • Nachum Bedein
Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

Opinions expressed in letters to the editor or articles by contributing writers are not necessarily endorsed by Winnipeg Jewish Review.